the cured calendar

your guide to
the healthcare
marketing year

Drive results with unforgettable digital marketing that aligns patient outreach to seasonal dates and themes all year

Illustration of the Cured calendar - your guide to the healthcare marketing year.
get key healthcare marketing dates to guide your growth strategy

set your patient experience apart using timely healthcare themes

  • key themes and dates throughout the healthcare marketing year
  • suggested campaigns to drive patient engagement
  • tips to optimize your digital marketing strategies 
download the calendar
july v3

get the most out of your digital marketing with always-on, automated campaigns

Drive consistent patient engagement by pairing always-on and seasonal campaigns to generate more revenue for your healthcare organization and better patient outcomes all year long

learn more
cured calendar landing page
chg healthcaremayo clinicuchealthvcu healthhenry ford healthaverahonor health
chg healthcaremayo clinicuchealthvcu healthhenry ford healthaverahonor health
cured calendar landing page

let’s bring healthcare full circle, together