Illustration of a wellness appointment reminder workflow between provider and patient using the Cured platform.

integrations & data

maximize your digital marketing by connecting your most important data to Cured.

We provide core data schematics with recommended elements needed to get the most out of your usage of our platfrom. We perform data valildations to ensure your data is clean and usable. 

Moreover, our platform is designed to integrate the data you need from a variety of source systems via a variety of paths. We support data is ingestion in the following ways:

data integrations for healthcare digital marketing


Rest-based framework that aligns to fast healthcare interoperability resources (FHIR) specifications or any RESTful web services to ingest patient, member, and prospect data at any desired frequency

Batch flat file-based

Specified (per our schema) flat file uploads via secure endpoint or secure file transfer protocol (SFTP) with updates at your desired frequency

Manual flat file uploads

Secure flat file (per our schema) uploads directly from within the application at any time

Security and Compliance

You can use your data with the peace of mind that patient, member, and customer data is protected to the highest standard. Our commitment to security and compliance ensures personalized digital engagement is happening safely and securely.

read our security stance