Cured Team

why cured observes juneteenth

Cured Team

Learn how the Cured team honors Juneteenth by encouraging education and celebration of the historical day

why cured observes juneteenth

Juneteenth, rightfully so, is finally recognized as a federal holiday with the passage of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act in 2021. We, at Cured, appreciate that Juneteenth represents an important historical milestone for the United States and believe that the struggle for equality should be reflected on by all members of our society. We honor this day by giving our Cured team members the day off, but even more importantly, we provide resources to our team and actively encourage them to volunteer or participate in community activities related to the celebration of Juneteenth and to advance their own self-education on social justice and the Black experience in our country. 

Diversity, equality, and inclusion are paramount to our core values, particularly, to “bring others to the table”; and in order to live this value, we encourage active participation in everything that Juneteenth stands for and represents.

Below are some examples of the events our teams will be attending and the resources that they are using for self-education in our hub cities and nationwide:

Boulder Resources

Chicago Resources

Indianapolis Resources

Other Resources

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