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how-to: A/B testing for healthcare marketers

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discover the essentials of A/B testing to provide actionable insights and strategies for marketing conversion

how-to: A/B testing for healthcare marketers

In today's competitive marketing landscape, constantly working to iterate and analyze results is vital to improving engagement and conversion. A/B testing, comparing two versions of a marketing asset to see which one performs better, is a powerful tool that enables data-driven decisions, improves conversion rates, optimizes user experience, and reduces risks. 

data-driven decision making

A/B testing allows marketers to gather concrete data to inform their decisions. Instead of relying on assumptions about what might work, marketers can test different elements of their campaigns and use the resulting data to guide their strategies. For instance, by comparing two email subject lines, you can identify which one has a higher open rate, ensuring that your future emails are more effective.

improved conversion rates

Even small changes in a marketing campaign can significantly improve conversion rates. A/B testing helps identify these impactful changes. For example, HubSpot conducted an A/B test to compare the effectiveness of using a personalized sender name versus a generic company name. The personalized version had a 0.53% higher open rate and a 0.23% higher click-through rate, resulting in 131 additional leads (HubSpot). Even minor adjustments can lead to significant gains in engagement and conversions.

optimized user experience

Understanding how different elements of a marketing campaign impact user experience is essential to optimize the patient experience. A/B testing helps marketers test design, content, and functionality variations to find the best combination that enhances user satisfaction and engagement. You can create a more enjoyable and effective user experience by continuously optimizing these elements, leading to higher customer loyalty and better overall performance.

how it works

A/B testing follows a structured approach to ensure that changes made to a marketing campaign are based on solid evidence rather than guesswork. By systematically testing different variations, healthcare marketers can pinpoint what truly resonates with their audience. This process involves several key steps that help refine and optimize marketing strategies for better performance.

  1. pick an idea to focus on

Identify a specific aspect of your marketing campaign that you want to improve. This could be anything from the color of a call-to-action button to the headline of a landing page. Choose an element that you believe could significantly impact your goals.

  1. make a hypothesis

Formulate a hypothesis about what change might lead to better results. For example, "Changing the call-to-action button color from red to green will increase click-through rates." A clear hypothesis provides direction and focus for your test.

  1. select your metrics

Choose the key performance indicators (KPIs) you will use to measure success. Common metrics include conversion rates, click-through rates, bounce rates, and engagement levels. Ensure your metrics align with your overall marketing goals.

  1. conduct experiment

Run your A/B test by splitting your audience into two groups. Present each group with one variation of the element you are testing. Ensure you have a large enough sample size to achieve statistically significant results, which helps ensure your findings are reliable.

  1. incorporate results

Analyze the data and implement the winning variation in your broader campaign. Use the insights gained to inform future tests and continuously refine your marketing strategies for ongoing improvement.

what to test

When putting together an effective A/B test, there are endless places to iterate in the marketing journey. Ensure you have a clear goal for what you’re trying to achieve, whether it’s more views on a landing page or more clicks on an email CTA. Below are some examples of great places to start for an A/B test:


Test different types of content, such as blog posts, videos, infographics, or user-generated content, to see what resonates most with your audience. Experiment with various formats and topics to determine the most effective content strategy. Here's a sample A/B test focused on content:

subject lines

Subject lines are vital to getting right. They are the first impression that makes or breaks a campaign. Try variations in length, tone, personalization, and the inclusion of emojis or special characters to see what grabs your audience's attention. Consider using a platform tool like our subject line curator to apply AI for optimal subject line engagement. 


Determine the ideal length of emails, blog posts, or landing pages. Test short versus long versions to maximize engagement and build patient loyalty. Use view and click metrics to see where people engage on your page and decipher how far they are willing to scroll.

send time

Work to find the optimal time to send emails or post on social media for maximum engagement. Test different days of the week and times of day to identify when your audience is most likely to interact with your content. AI is a powerful friend for determining the best send times, allowing our platform users to generate a 33% boost in engagement.


Test the impact of various levels of personalization. Experiment with using patients’ name, nearest care location, or past health needs to create more relevant and engaging communications. Just be sure to follow all HIPAA email guidelines to ensure every campaign protects patient health information (PHI).

calls to action (CTA’s)

Have fun with different CTA texts, buttons, and placements. Test variations in wording, color, size, and positioning to determine what drives the most clicks and conversions. Here's a sample A/B test focused on CTA placement:


Test different images to see which ones capture more attention and drive engagement. Experiment with various styles, colors, formats, and the placement and size of images within your content.

A/B testing is an indispensable tool for healthcare marketers striving to enhance their campaigns. By enabling data-driven decisions, improving conversion rates, optimizing healthcare experience, and minimizing risks, A/B testing helps healthcare marketers refine their strategies and achieve better results. By embracing A/B testing, marketers can make informed decisions that lead to sustained growth and patient loyalty for their healthcare organizations.

fuel patient growth and loyalty with HXP

The Cured Healthcare Experience Platform (HXP) equips you with pre-built campaigns, strategies, and AI tools to make each patient feel uniquely valued.

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