best practices

boost ROI and patient acquisition with HXP

best practices

Drive ROI with the integrated contact center solution and multi-channel campaigns of HXP

boost ROI and patient acquisition with HXP

In today’s competitive healthcare landscape, achieving a strong return on investment (ROI) for patient engagement initiatives is crucial. Many health systems struggle to optimize their experience efforts, often hindered by disconnected data sources and generic CRM platforms not tailored to healthcare's unique demands. Enter the Healthcare Experience Platform (HXP), a solution that empowers healthcare providers to maximize ROI by integrating consumer data, streamlining omnichannel marketing, and enhancing patient touchpoints. With tools to streamline patient connections to care, our customers have seen tremendous improvement in ROI with HXP.

enhanced contact center efficiency

HXP ensures streamlined care connections, with one leading health system seeing a 24% reduction in call wait times, a 54% drop in call abandonment rates, and a 20% cut in call handle times. Another health system we work with experienced a 3% boost in call-to-schedule conversion rates and a 24-second decrease in average call duration, resulting in increased agent efficiency. An academic medical center utilizing HXP achieved an estimated ROI of $3.4 million over six months, thanks to enhanced management of inbound appointment requests. With a contact center solution tied into HXP’s streamlined suite of tools, it’s never been easier to ensure patient-centered care experiences.

accelerated service line growth

HXP drives significant service line growth by simplifying the deployment of sophisticated, multi-channel campaigns. With access to over 100 pre-built patient journeys, healthcare organizations can efficiently target specific patient groups with tailored content that boosts engagement and conversions. By driving patients to service lines with available appointments, HXP maintains ideal capacities for all service lines, resolving care needs while increasing ROI. An academic health system using HXP to promote preventive care saw an 80% increase in scheduled visits, reducing gaps in proactive care.

understand performance with advanced analytics

HXP also stands out for its robust marketing analytics and integrated dashboards. These tools provide clear insights into campaign effectiveness, patient engagement, and ROI across multiple channels. This data-driven approach helps healthcare teams validate their strategies, monitor critical metrics, and make informed decisions to enhance the overall healthcare experience. With HXP, organizations can streamline their efforts and measure ROI on a single platform, driving patient acquisition and retention more effectively.

HXP for superior ROI

HXP stands out as the go-to solution for healthcare providers seeking to maximize ROI and enhance patient acquisition efforts. By integrating consumer data, optimizing contact center productivity, driving service line growth, and providing comprehensive analytics, HXP offers a powerful platform tailored to healthcare organizations' unique needs.

Ready to learn more? Download our eBook: 5 Reasons to Choose Cured’s HXP Over Salesforce and discover how HXP can transform your patient engagement strategy.

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